This section is dedicated to FAA Commercial pilots who wants to obtain ATP MultiEngine airplane license. If you interested in Single Engine Airplane ATP or Rotorcraft Helicopter ATP – you can contact our office for more details.
If you are foreign commercial or airline pilot – you better visit the page “For foreign pilots” for more information.
To be eligible for an airline transport pilot certificate, a person must:
Aeronautical experience
A person who is applying for an airline transport pilot certificate with an airplane category and class rating must have at least 1,500 hours of total time as a pilot that includes at least:
You can find more details about minimum aeronautical experience in part 61.159.
All prices here are just approximate expenses. Your personal situation can be different from the common cases (age, experience, pause in an aviation career, personal abilities, etc). Some people need individual approaches, so this price is not a public offer but just an example of how much standard person in standard conditions can spend on the process of getting an ATP license.
You can download enrollment application for your personal ATP training with ATP.Academy
Check eligibility requirements according part 61.153 and aeronautical experience according part 61.159.
Make sure you are ready for ATP written test. You can find different applications available on the market and very helpful.
The ATP-CTP course is a mandatory pre-requisite in order to take the ATP written exam. ATP-CTP course include 30 hours of ground school and 10 hours of sim training.
ATP ME written test includes 125 questions and you have 4 hours for pass this test. The minimum score is 70%.
You can choose from 2 options: get your ATP non-type (using light twin airplane) or ATP with type rating (A320, B737 or any other type).
You have a couple of option – ATP ME checkride on light twin airplane (BE76 or Tecnam P2006T) or ATP with type rating.
The cheapest way to get your ATP license - training and checkride in light-twin airplane. We can offer Beechcraft Duchess (BE76) or Tecnam P2006T (with Garmin G950) for your training.
Training itself include 7-10 flight hours of training, 3-5 hours of ground school.
When you ready for checkride we will help you with checkride appointment and schedule your checkride. More details about ATP ME checkride on webpage.
FAA regulations allows you to take your ATP checkride simultaneously with type rating check.
We can offer you ATP training combined with Airbus Type Rating at no additional cost. You will be train for type rating but your checkride will include both - ATP and Type Rating check.
Your checkride will be the same like standard type rating checkride but it will be combined check. As a result you will have ATP license with type rating.
If you don't have enough time or money you can do step-by-step. Start from ATP ME on light-twin airplane and later on add type rating to your ATP license!
Start your training on BE76 or Tecnam P2006T, pass your checkride and get your ATP ME license.
When you ready for checkride we will help you with checkride appointment and schedule your checkride. More details about ATP ME checkride on webpage.
Then join our Initial type rating program and add A320 type rating to your ATP license.
Your checkride will be in full flight simulator and only as add-on to your ATP license.
The total price is combined from the ATP-CTP course cost + cost of your ATP course and checkride. As you can see from this page you have a choice between "non-type ATP" and "ATP + type rating". The approximate price depending on your personal case will be:
You have 2 options here:
This is a very common question. But the truth is - you really need type rating to get your FAA license with type even if you are Captain with XXXX thousand hours on this type. The reason for that - your FAA license is independent license of the United States of America and you need to comply with FAA regulations. Not your local regulations. It means that you need to take some training on the same type before checkride. Most of the schools (and ATP.Academy also) can offer you Reduced Program, which means you don't need to go over again as Initial training. You just need 4-8 hours of SIM training and some ground school before your checkride. Also, be aware that your FAA checkride will be absolutely the same and full as normal checkride for initial type rating even if you have XXX thousand hours on type.
If you have a foreign (non-FAA) license, and you are meet all part 61 requirements to get FAA ATP based on the foreign license, you need to prove that your license is valid, not expired, not revoked, etc. The official way how to do that - request a Letter of Verification from FAA authority. FAA will request this confirmation from your local CAA authority. The process itself can take up to 90 days and you need a Letter of Verification before your ATP checkride or ATP + type rating checkride.
This is a complicated question. First of all, start checking CFR 14 Part 61.153 and part 61.159. If you meet all requirements from this part, then you can go to Upgrade Type Rating and get your PIC Type.